

Support Services

Support Services

  • Beyond Blue - Information and support for depression and anxiety. 

  • Blackdog Institute - World leader in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental health disorders.

  • headspace - Mental health support services for young people aged 12 - 25 years old. 

  • Kids helpline - Support for young people aged 5 - 25.  When you need someone to listen. Anytime. Any reason.

  • Lifeline - 24 hour telephone counselling service. Phone: 13 11 14.

  • Mensline - Support for Australian Men – anywhere, anytime.  

  • Mental Health Australia - National non-government organisation promoting the mental health sector.

  • Q Life - Trusted people to turn to for LGBTIQ+ support.

  • Reachout- There for young people - no matter what life throws at you. 

  • Suicide call back service - 24/7 support for people affected by suicide

  • SuicideLine Victoria - 24/7 Phone and Online councelling . Phone: 1300 651 251

Mental Health Support Card & Poster

The Grit and Resilience Program worked with our community to develop a wallet sized Mental Health Support Card as a practical guide to accessing mental health support in our area and assist people to know where to find help in times of crisis.  


The support is also available as a poster. Download the poster here(PDF, 110KB)


Support Card Poster

Social Prescribing






Planning an event?

Community Event Planning Guide

Are you involved in an organisation doing great work in our community?

Have you got a bright idea for a community get-together that will increase participation and strengthen community connections and wellbeing? We can help make it happen!

This Guide has been put together to assist with your planning. There is a bit to consider when you put on an event, but it is not difficult, and we are here to help.

Our community told us they would like more events, activities, and community gatherings where everyone is valued, supported, and encouraged to participate and connect. In partnership with Alpine Valley Community Leadership Program, and through consultation with a variety of local services and clubs, this Community Event Planning Guide was designed to help groups, clubs, and services to create an event that will encourage people to join in and become more involved in their community.

Access the Guide and Tools here:



Social Inclusion and Connection Resources


News, Media and Playlists

News and Media

Here you will find the latest news about the Program.  

Grit and Resilience Newsletters 


Media Articles


Grit and Resilience Playlist Pandemonium

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Did you know that music is said to enhance focus, improve mental health, and boost the immune system as well as self-esteem and confidence? It can help you to relax, boost and lift your mood… it can also make you just want to get up and DANCE! 

In the spirit of getting people moving and grooving, we recently asked our community to tell us the top three songs that get them on their feet.

We’ve put those songs together to create Wangaratta LGAs very own Make Me Dance playlist which you can access below (you will need a Spotify account, it’s easy and free to set-up).

This is a collaborative playlist which means you can add your top dance songs to it too!

Remember this is for all our residents – so keep it clean. Songs with bad language will be removed.   

Listen & Share 


No Lights No Lycra Playlists

NLNL Playlists

Want to hear the playlists from the No Lights No Lycra events?  Then look no further! 

No Lights No Lycra- Week 1

No Lights No Lycra- Week 2




Do you have an activity/group/event that you would like to talk to the Grit and Resilience Program about?   Contact us below and we will get in touch.


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