Councillors and Meetings

Contact a Councillor
To contact a Councillor, click the button below.
Click here
Request a Councillor to attend a community meeting or event
Our Mayor and Councillors love attending and participating in events in the region.
If you you would like to invite the Mayor or any Councillors to your event, please submit your request using the button below at least four weeks prior to your event.
We will endeavour to respond to you within 5 business working days.
Submit request
Submit questions for Council meetings
Council Meetings are where seven elected Councillors make decisions on behalf of the Rural City of Wangaratta community.
Meetings are held monthly, with the location rotating between the Wangaratta Government Centre and rural townships. Decision making is guided by Governance Rules. Members of the community are invited to attend Council Meetings or watch online.
Questions from the public are also welcome, these can either be submitted prior to the Council Meeting by clicking the button below (recommended) or asked in-person at the meeting.
Submit question
If your request does not fit any of the above categories, submit a general request using the button below.
General enquiry