Submit a request

Property Information Requests

Property information Requests can be submitted so you can obtain information about your property.

Please submit application form via email along with a recent copy of title for the property.

Apply for a Property Information Request(PDF, 111KB)

Please refer to the fees and charges below.

Building-Fees-and-Charges-2024-25.pdf(PDF, 263KB)

House Plan Requests

We are required to keep a copy of all building permits issued in the municipality.  

Our building permits records go back to the 1940s in some areas and a copy of plans are available to the property owner, however it should be noted there is no guarantee that a permit can be located. 

If a third party requires a copy of any documents, we require written permission from the current owner of the property to release the documents to that person.

An upfront fee to cover administration charges is applicable and is non-refundable if records cannot be found.

These fees are:

  • Electronic records - $99.70
  • Hard copy (archived) records - $322.90

Request for Plans(PDF, 60KB)

Legal Point of Discharge

You can apply for a legal point of discharge report, which provides the location that stormwater drainage discharge from your land must be directed.

Your building surveyor must consider this report before issuing a building permit.

Please note that we do not keep records of stormwater pipes around homes and this report does not provide a plan of stormwater drains on your land.

Fees for Legal Point of Discharge are applicable. Please submit attached form via email along with a recent copy of title for the property.

Apply for a Legal Point of Discharge(PDF, 111KB)

Please refer to the fees and charges below.

Building-Fees-and-Charges-2024-25.pdf(PDF, 263KB)