Tourism Event Funding

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Tourism Events Funding Program 2025


Applications currently closed.  Applications for events in 2026 will open September 1, 2025. 


We are proud to support tourism events that showcase the Rural City of Wangaratta as a diverse tourism destination.  We provide funding of up to $5,000 per event.

These grants support events delivered between 1 January and 31 December, 2025. Applications open September 1, 2024.

The Tourism Event Funding Program provides support for event organisers in assistance with developing and delivering vibrant, inclusive and engaging events in the Rural City of Wangaratta.

This program supports the growth of events in the region that attract outside visitation, have a strong tourism focus and demonstrates the potential to promote the Rural City of Wangaratta as a destination for visitors to our region all year round.

These events may be big or small, however they will share one thing: highlighting Wangaratta as a dynamic hub for tourism.

So, if you are planning an event or festival that that attracts visitors to the Rural City of Wangaratta and showcases the local area, then the Tourism Events Grant Program is designed to help you.

For more information, please refer to the Tourism Event Funding Program Guidelines(PDF, 2MB)


The Tourism Events Funding Program is split into two streams;

Tourism Events Grants

Are you thinking of starting a new event in our region that will enhance Wangaratta as a holiday destination?   Or do you already host a tourism related event and would like to see it grow?   Then the annual Tourism Events Grants may be just the boost you need to get your idea off the ground allowing you to grow the event to become financially viable and sustainable in the future.

Focusing on helping new events to develop in our region or to grow events that have become all time favourites, this annual program provides funding of;

Event categories are:

  • $5000 for Marquee and Major events
  • $2000 for Minor events 
  • Marquee events – attracts greater than 3000 visitors and provides a significant economic benefit
  • Major events – attracts between 500 to 2999 visitors
  • Minor events – attracts less than 500 visitors

Who can apply?

  • Community groups, organisations, businesses or for-profit organisations based in the Rural City of Wangaratta and holding event in the Municipality.
  • Organisations located outside of the Rural City of Wangaratta but hosting their event in the Municipality of the Rural City of Wangaratta.
  • Events being held within the Rural City of Wangaratta boundaries.


What events do we fund?

Events supported under this program have a strong tourism focus that demonstrate the potential to promote the destination and aligns with the strategies of the Rural City of Wangaratta. This program has a strong focus on supporting events in their early years, enabling the event to become financially sustainable and viable in the future


Will your event?

  • Increase visitation to the region from Intrastate and Interstate visitors
  • Enhance the Rural City of Wangaratta as a holiday destination
  • Supports and enhances the local tourism strengths
  • Provides an economic benefit to our community and businesses
  • Enhances the culture of the community
  • Attract key target markets
  • Overnight visitors
  • Visiting Friends and relatives
  • Lifestyle leader market
  • Nature and adventure
  • Food and wine lovers
  • Cultural and heritage tourists
  • Event specific visitors
  • Sporting events that increase non-participant spectator attendance and tourism visitor appeal

This program prioritises funding for events, festivals and activities that celebrate:

  • culture
  • arts
  • local food and produce
  • local business or tourism

See Program Guidelines(PDF, 2MB) for information on funding priorities.

What events cannot be funded?

  • Local events with a community focus or appeal
  • Events without the capacity to attract visitation outside of the Rural City of Wangaratta
  • Events that have failed to acquit previous funding programs from the Rural City of Wangaratta or meet previous obligations from grant funding.
  • Events that have already secured financial support through another Rural City of Wangaratta grant, program or source
  • Events that have already commenced at the time of application, or events that have been completed prior to the application
  • Events held outside of the Rural City of Wangaratta
  • Sporting events that are participant and support crew focused


What can the funding be used for?

Successful applicants can used their Tourism Event Grant for the following;

  • Marketing, promotional materials & marketing activities that increases the awareness of Wangaratta and appeals to visitors from outside our regional area.


  • Costs associated with securing and hosting events


  • Strategic or business plans for event development


  • New innovations or additional activities to expand an event program


  • Other innovate expenses as specified in your application


The following expenses cannot be funded under the Tourism Event Grant 


  • Prize money, awards or activities associated with prizes or awards (e.g. trophies)


  • Alcohol licenses, tobacco and gambling related activities


  • Requests for fixed or permanent equipment, building maintenance or capital improvements (e.g. heating or cooling systems, shade sails, solar panels, portable buildings, etc). This funding is specifically for the delivery of events within the Rural City of Wangaratta community.

  • Requests to fund salaries, administration fees or personal expenses (e.g. petrol, utility bills, phone bills that aren’t in the group’s name or aren’t incurred by the group). 

Objectives of Tourism Event Grant

This grant supports the growth and development of events in the region that attract outside visitation resulting in economic benefits for the town.  Events supported under this program must have a strong tourism focus that demonstrate the potential to promote the Rural City of Wangaratta as a destination and aligns with the strategies of the Rural City of Wangaratta. This program has a strong focus on supporting events in their early years, enabling the event to become financially sustainable and viable in the future.


Applicants are required to outline how the funding will assist the event to contribute to one or more of the following key objectives:

  • Increase visitation to the region
  • Enhance the Rural City of Wangaratta as a holiday destination
  • Attract key target markets
  • Provides an economic benefit
  • Enhances the culture of the community
  • Supports and enhances the local tourism strengths
  • Grow the event to become financially viable and sustainable

Assessment Criteria




Event Longevity

  • Has this event been held previously?
  • How many years has this event being held in the past?
  • How likely is it that the event will go ahead as planned?



Economic & Social Impact

  • What is the economic or social impact to the community and businesses within the municipality?
  • How does this event align with the tourism strategies of the Rural City of Wangaratta, regional and state tourism?
  • Demonstrate the capacity to increase visitation from outside the Rural City of Wangaratta and immediate surrounding region.
  • Detail the events potential to develop into a key tourism or visitor attraction event.


Marketing & Promotion

  • What is the target market of the event?
  • Provide a brief description of the marketing activities being undertaken to attract intrastate and interstate visitors to the event.
  • Is this an ongoing event? If so, what are you planning to do differently this year to drive further visitation and increased overnight stays?



  • What are you implementing to ensure sustainability is a focus of the event?


Diversity & Equity

  • How will you address the needs of people of different cultures and genders in the running and promotion of your event?
  • How will you address accessibility needs in the running of your event?



  • Can you clearly show what costs and resources are needed to successful execute the event or activity?
  • How well have you budgeted for the event or activity?
  • Are you able to demonstrate that your group is making a significant contribution to hosting the event? (In the form of cash, voluntary service or in kind support).
  • What impact will there be on the event if you are not successful in getting a Council grant?



Tourism Events Grants are open every September for events taking place between January and December the following year.

Applications Open September 1 - Apply here

Tourism Event Sponsorship

A new funding stream created in 2023, the Tourism Event Sponsorship is designed to assist the regions flag ship events that have provided the region with the events we all love and visitors to the region return to year after year freeing up budget for smaller, newer events in the grants stream.  This is a three year sponsorship program that focuses on;

  • Event growth rate
  • Economic benefit to our community
  • Regional significance and National profile
  • Alignment with Tourism Pillars (Cycling | Food and Beverage | Nature| Arts and Culture)
  • Sustainability and Cultural Wellbeing
Funding for the Sponsorship Program is up to $5,000 per year for a period up to three years.  A 'Memorandum of Understanding' will be established, reducing the need to re-apply each year.  This will free up time for event organisers to focus on growing their event into the future and allowing the grants team to assist new and upcoming event organisers to grow their event.  

Who can apply?

  • Community groups or organisations based in the Rural City of Wangaratta.
  • Events being held in the Rural City of Wangaratta.


What events do we fund?

Events supported under this program have a strong tourism focus that demonstrate the potential to promote the destination and aligns with the strategies of the Rural City of Wangaratta. This program has a strong focus on supporting events in their early years, enabling the event to become financially sustainable and viable in the future.


Successful applications under this stream will demonstrate that their event can;

  • Increase visitation to the region from Intrastate and Interstate visitors
  • Enhance the Rural City of Wangaratta as a holiday destination
  • Support and enhances the local tourism strengths
  • Provides an economic benefit to our community and businesses
  • Enhances the culture of the community
  • Attract key target markets
    • Overnight visitors
    • Visiting Friends and relatives
    • Lifestyle leader market
    • Nature and adventure
    • Food and wine lovers
    • Cultural and heritage tourists
    • Event specific visitors
  • Sporting events that increase non-participant spectator attendance and tourism visitor appeal


    What won’t we fund?

  • Local events with a community focus or appeal
  • Events without the capacity to attract visitation outside of the Rural City of Wangaratta
  • Events that have failed to acquit previous funding programs from the Rural City of Wangaratta or meet previous obligations from grant funding.
  • Events that have already secured financial support through another Rural City of Wangaratta grant, program or source
  • Events that have already commenced at the time of application, or events that have been completed prior to the application
  • Events held outside of the Rural City of Wangaratta
  • Sporting events that are participant and support crew focused

What can the funding be used for?

  • Marketing, promotional materials & marketing activities that increases the awareness of Wangaratta and appeals to visitors from outside our regional area.


  • Costs associated with securing and hosting events


  • Strategic or business plans for event development


  • New innovations or additional activities to expand an event program


  • Other innovate expenses as specified in your application


What expenses will not be funded?

  • Prize money, awards or activities associated with prizes or awards (e.g. trophies)


  • Alcohol licenses, tobacco and gambling related activities


  • Requests for fixed or permanent equipment, building maintenance or capital improvements (e.g. heating or cooling systems, shade sails, solar panels, portable buildings, etc). This funding is specifically for the delivery of events within the Rural City of Wangaratta community.


  • Requests to fund salaries, administration fees or personal expenses (e.g. petrol, utility bills, phone bills that aren’t in the group’s name or aren’t incurred by the group). 


Objectives of Tourism Event Sponsorship

Introduced in 2023, the Tourism Event Sponsorship aids prominent regional events which have already developed a strong following and have proved their economic benefit to the region as well as strong growth, thereby reallocating funds for emerging smaller events within the grants stream.  This is a three-year sponsorship program that focuses on;

  • Event growth rate
  • Economic benefit to our community
  • Regional significance and National profile
  • Alignment with Tourism Pillars (Cycling | Food and Beverage | Nature | Arts and Culture)


Assessment Criteria




Event Longevity

  • How many days will this event be held?
  • How many years has this event being held in the past?
  • How likely is it that the event will go ahead as planned?


Economic & Social Impact

  • What is the economic or social impact to the community and businesses within the municipality?
  • How does this event align with the tourism strategies of the Rural City of Wangaratta, regional and state tourism?
  • Demonstrate the capacity to increase visitation from outside the Rural City of Wangaratta and immediate surrounding region.
  • Detail the events potential to develop into a key tourism or visitor attraction event.
  • What is the rate of growth of this event over the last three-year period?


Marketing & Promotion

  • What is the target market of the event?
  • Brief description of the marketing activities being undertaken to attract intrastate and interstate visitors.
  • Is this an ongoing event? If so, what are you planning to do differently this year to drive further visitation and increased overnight stays?
  • Will you be developing packages with local accommodation, tour and transport operators for your event?



  • What are you implementing to ensure sustainability is a focus of the event?


Diversity & Equity

  • How will you address the needs of people of different cultures and genders in the running and promotion of your event?
  • How will you address accessibility needs in the running of your event?



  • Clearly indicate the costs and resources are needed to successfully execute the event.
  • How well have you budgeted for the event?
  • Demonstrate that your group is making a significant contribution to hosting the event?
  • What impact will there be on the event if you are not successful in getting a Council grant?



Tourism Events Sponsorship  applications open every September for events taking place between January and December the following year.

Applications Open September 1 - Apply here



Download the Guidelines here


  • Community groups or organisations based in the Rural City of Wangaratta.
  • Businesses or for-profit organisations based in the Rural City of Wangaratta
  • Events being held in the Rural City of Wangaratta.

Events must;

  • meet one or more of the Tourism Events Grants objectives;
  • event must be held between 1 January and 31 December 2025
  • be able to meet the conditions associated with receiving the grant; and
  • submit a completed application form before the program closing date

What will likely be funded

Events supported under this program have a strong tourism focus that demonstrate the potential to promote the destination and aligns with the strategies of the Rural City of Wangaratta

Will your event?

  • Increase visitation to the region
  • Enhance the Rural City of Wangaratta as a holiday destination
  • Supports and enhances the local tourism strengths
  • Provides an economic benefit to our community and businesses
  • Enhances the culture of the community
  • Attract key target markets
  • Overnight visitors
  • Visiting Friends and relatives
  • Lifestyle leader market
  • Nature and adventure
  • Food and wine lovers
  • Cultural and heritage tourists
  • Event specific visitors
  • Sporting events that increase non-participant spectator attendance and tourism visitor appeal

Successful applicants can use their Tourism Event Grant for the following;

  • Marketing, promotional materials & advertising costs that look to not only promote the event to individuals who reside in the Rural City of Wangaratta but to those who live outside and further away from our LGA
  • Costs associated with securing and hosting events
  • Strategic or business plans for event development
  • New innovations or additional activities to expand an event program
  • Other innovate expenses as specified in your application

What cannot be funded

What events cannot be funded?

  • Local events with a community focus or appeal
  • Events without the capacity to attract visitation outside of the Rural City of Wangaratta
  • Events that have failed to acquit previous funding programs from the Rural City of Wangaratta or meet previous obligations from grant funding.
  • Events that have already secured financial support through another Rural City of Wangaratta grant, program or source
  • Events that have already commenced at the time of application, or events that have been completed prior to the application
  • Events held outside of the Rural City of Wangaratta
  • Sporting events that are participant and support crew focused


The following expenses cannot be funded under the Tourism Event Grant

  • The purchase of land or rent
  • Staff wages, contractor fees
  • General administration costs and maintenance costs

  • Administrative equipment and supplies

Using SmartyGrants

Applications for the Tourism Event Funding Program are made via SmartyGrants online portal.

Using SmartyGrants

  • If you are a new user, you will need to set up a login before you begin.
  • If you have previously used SmartyGrants for any application (not just Rural City of Wangaratta) you can use the same email address.
  • SmartyGrants lets you complete sections of your application in stages, save your progress and return to it later (you don’t need to do it all at once). Your application will be stored online, so there’s no need to save it to your computer.
  • Allow plenty of time to complete your online application, so that if you run into difficulties, you have time to fix it.
  • As part of completing the form, you need to upload supporting documents. Files must be no greater than 25mb but are best kept under 5mb each.
  • Please ensure the supporting documents you upload are the appropriate documents required for your application. See What documentation do I need for information on the documents you need to supply.
  • To avoid losing your work, remember to regularly save your progress in SmartyGrants every 10-15 minutes, as the form logs you out after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  • Make sure you hit the Submit button when you are ready. If the Submit button is grey, there is something incomplete or wrong in your answers. Check all sections highlighted red. Once you have submitted you will be sent an email confirmation. If you don’t hit Submit, Council cannot see your application, so it won’t be considered.

You can also refer to the SmartyGrants Applicant Guide for help.


For more information, please refer to the Tourism Event Funding Program Guidelines(PDF, 2MB)

Talk to one of our team for helpful application tips

For queries or support about the program, application guidelines, eligibility and funding options, contact the Economic Development Team on 03 5722 0888 or