Burning off

The Rural City of Wangaratta is prone to bushfires. As a result, there are restrictions around when and what you can burn off. You may also need a permit to burn off. 

Burning off in a residential area

  • Restrictions exist year round in township areas. This mean you can only burn off outside the Fire Danger Period and you must obtain a permit.

Burning off in a rural or agricultural area

  • If you are burning off outside of a declared Fire Danger Period, you do not need a permit.
  • Burning during the Fire Danger Period is permitted in rural or agricultural areas, however you must obtain a permit from the CFA via Fire Permits Victoria.

Find out more about restrictions during a fire danger period.

Please refer to the below fees and charges.
Animals-and-Local-Laws-Fees-and-Charges-2024-25.pdf(PDF, 172KB)

Township permit

Step 1.Gather your documents

To apply for a permit to burn, you'll need complete the Application for a Permit to Burn.(PDF, 293KB)

Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the conditions of the permit before submission. 

Step 2.Submit your application

Applications must be submitted at least 2 days before the proposed burn off date. You can submit your application via:

  • Email: council@wangaratta.vic.gov.au
  • In person: Wangaratta Government Centre, 62-  68 Ovens Street, Wangaratta

Payment can be made by cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card.

Step 3.Notify Fire Permits Victoria before burning

Once your application is approved, you will need to ensure you notify Fire Permits Victoria online at www.firepermits.vic.gov.au at least 2 hours prior to lighting.

The following conditions apply when burning off:

  • Fire to be supervised by an adult at all times.
  • Notify Fire Permits Victoria a minimum 2 hours prior to lighting fire online at www.firepermits.vic.gov.au.
  • Adequate water supply/hose to be ready for use at all times to extinguish fire.
  • Burn off hours between 8.00am and 4.00pm on any given day.
  • Fire is to be extinguished prior to leaving site (must not smolder overnight).
  • Notify adjacent neighbours prior to lighting fire.
  • Only burn dry combustible materials.
  • Cleared fire break of a minimum of 3 metres all around.
  • The matter being burnt does not exceed 3 cubic meters.

Regardless of whether you have a permit, you are not allowed to burn the following items:

  • Plastic
  • Waste petroleum oil 
  • Paints or empty paint containers
  • Pressurised cans
  • Textile fabrics
  • Rubber
  • Food waste
  • Illegal substances
  • Noxious materials