FreeZA Youth Crew

Our FreeZA Crew Spilt Milk help to plan organise and deliver music, arts and cultural events. Events vary from Skate Park Jams to Battle of the Bands, Youth Festivals and music acts! All FreeZA events are drug, alcohol & smoke free. 

The Crew is made up of young people aged 12 – 25 years who meet regularly to plan and run youth events. They also have the opportunity to undertake training in the music industry and develop their leadership skills. The FreeZA program is funded by the Victoria Government. 

We are always on the lookout for new Crew members! If you are interested in getting involved contact our Youth Engagement Officer on 0407 050 548, email: or click the link below.

Join the crew


we are recruting freeza.png

Upcoming Events

Please see our What's On for Young People page to see all our upcoming events

Some of our 2024 Highlights below

Bouldering in Myrtleford



All Ages Tour at The Vine