Accommodation business registration Most accommodation businesses need to be registered with Council.
Beauty, Body Art or Health business registration All beauty, body art and health businesses must be registered with Council.
Camping permit If you want to camp on land that isn't designated for camping, you will need to get a permit. This includes camping as part of an event.
Food business registration All food businesses must be registered with Council and comply with existing food laws.
Footpath activities permit If you want to use the footpath for advertising, outdoor eating and displaying goods, you need to apply for a permit.
Itinerant trading permit If you are planning to trade from a vehicle or alongside a road, you will need an Itinerant Trading permit
Personal Training in Parks & Gardens If you wish to conduct personal training or exercise classes in a public park, you will need:
Street activities permit If you wish conduct activities in the street, like operate a street stall, conduct road collections or display a banner, you will need a permit.