What's On?


Below is a list of activities and events currently being delivered or supported by the Grit and Resilience Program and how to get involved. 

Want to hear what we are doing first?  Subscribe to our mailing list here or follow the Grit and Resilience Program on Facebook or Instagram.


Grit and Resilience Festival celebrates headspace Day 2024- Thursday, October 10 2024


Are you part of a community, sporting, or social group across Wangaratta?  This year we are inviting you to join us as stall holders to get the word out there about all the different groups available in the Rural City of Wangaratta.  Don't miss out—register now for the Grit and Resilience Festival to join Wangaratta in celebrating resilience, community spirit, and mental health awareness! 

Register your stall now


No Lights No Lycra- Fridays at the Wangaratta Sports and Aquatic Centre from 6.30pm - 7.30pm

Starting July 12 2024, dance in the dark judgment free to shake away the blues and lose yourself in the music. Find out more now



Listen to past playlist's now to start getting in the groove!!!




Old School Night Out Tour- May to October 2024

Do you remember back in the day going to a local hall on a Saturday night to see a band and catch up with mates? We want to re-create this in our community, so the Grit and Resilience Program team are partnering up with Sweet Buzz and our rural communities for a fun night of music and dancing!

   Eldorado (3).png


Past events and activities

July 2023- June 2024

Pride Fair Day- Friday, February 9, 2024

The 2024 attracted nearly 1000 attendees and we were very proud to be part of this inclusive and positive community event organised by LINE Wangaratta. 


Project 365 - U Can Cry! The Ripple Effect - November 25, 2023

The Grit and Resilience Program generously supported Project 365 in hosting a highly successful event that saw a remarkable turnout of over 1700 community members. The primary objective of this event was to actively promote and enhance positive mental health within our community.


Grit and Resilience Festival - October 10, 2023

The Grit and Resilience Program, along with CAVVACCA, Mental Health and Wellbeing Local, The Rural City of WangarattaOpen Door Community HouseLINE Wangaratta & Mind Australia, held a very successful Grit and Resilience Festival in King George Gardens on World Mental Health Day! 

�� Tuesday, 10 October 2023

⏰ Time: 4 pm – 6.30 pm
�� Location: King George Gardens, Wangaratta

The Grit and Resilience Festival is all about fostering connection and building a strong, supportive community. We believe in coming together to uplift each other through life's challenges and celebrations.


RU OK? Day- 14 September 2023



An Old School night out- Saturday, August 12

Sweet Buzz Video by RCOW Events & Others


VACCA Ovens Murray NAIDOC 2023- Wangaratta Gathering- Sunday, July 9