Collecting Firewood

Residents of the Rural City of Wangaratta (RCoW) can collect firewood when available from one of our two firewood depots.

You will need a permit for both options and the following costs apply: 

Full fee $23.70
Concession card holder $16

Collection of firewood from reserves and roadsides managed by Council and Regional Roads Victoria is not allowed and penalties do apply for illegal collection.


Firewood depots

The depots are currently closed

We have two community firewood depots located at Eldorado and Glenrowan. The depots provide RCoW residents with a sustainable firewood collection option and reduce the need to remove habitat from bushland reserves. Wood at the depots is salvaged from works and storm events so will likely be green and require drying before it is ready to burn next season. Wood is supplied as logs and you will need a chainsaw to cut it up for transport.

Where are the depots?

  • Eldorado Firewood Depot - between Main St and Trezise St, Eldorado
  • Glenrowan Firewood Depot - Park Road (off Rifle Range Road), Glenrowan

When are the depots open?

Depots are closed during the fire danger period which varies year to year but is usually from October to April-May. Supply is not guaranteed so you will need to visit the depots to check if wood is available before purchasing a permit.

How to buy a permit

A permit is needed each time you take wood from the depot. Each permit allows you to take a maximum of two cubic metres per visit. The annual limit is six cubic metres per household (3 permits). Please be fair and think of your neighbours - don't take all the wood!


Depot permits are available from the following locations:

Depot Where to buy a permit
Eldorado Firewood Depot 
  • Wangaratta Government Centre
Glenrowan Firewood Depot
  • Glenrowan Post Office
  • Wangaratta Government Centre