Glenrowan Tower Design Chosen

Published on 29 March 2021

Glenrowan tower

The singular structure was clearly chosen as the preferred design for the Glenrowan Heritage Project tower during public consultation. 

Rural City of Wangaratta will now press ahead with the next stages of the project, with final designs to be developed before construction begins at Lions Park.

Around 75% of the people who either turned up in person at consultation sessions or emailed Council with their ideas chose the singular design for the tower.

The project involves construction of a viewing tower and landscaping in Lions Park, as well as the development of interactive virtual and augmented reality storytelling that people will experience while visiting the tower.

Council’s Director Infrastructure Services Marcus Goonan said Council officers and the consulting team had received strong input from the community, giving clear direction on the final design.

“Thank you to everyone who came along to the consultation sessions or made contact with us to share their thoughts,” he said.

“In the coming months we will come back to the community to provide an update on the storytelling aspect of the project.”

The $4 million project has received $3.5m in funding from the Victorian Government.


For the latest information on this project, please click the link below.