Low impact event

A low impact event has been 100 - 500 people, along with:

  • Up to three pieces of infrastructure (marquees, stage, inflatable rides)
  • Up to five caterers/food vendors
  • Music can be played but restricted to 5 hours and under 65dba
  • Limited impact on parking and doesn't require road closures

Low impact events get exclusive use of the space or venue booked. They also require a permit, which you will need to apply for at least 14 working days prior to the event date. 

Apply for a permit

Step 1.Call us to check availability 

Please contact our Events Team on 03 5722 0888 or via email on events@wangaratta.vic.gov.au to check availability of the space or venue.

Step 2.Review our permit conditions

Please read through the Standard Conditions(PDF, 133KB) that apply to our event permits.

Step 3.Gather your documents

To apply for an low impact event permit, you'll need to submit the following documents:

  • Low impact event application form(PDF, 205KB)
  • Copy of contractor's public liability insurance with up to $20m coverage
  • Risk Management Form LINK or your own Risk Management Plan
  • Details on any food vendors attending
  • Site plan showing the area you wish to reserve, placement of infrastructure and other amenities.

If your event site is over 500mor it will be enclosed by fencing, then you will need to get a Place of Public Entertainment permit.

Step 4.Submit your application

You can submit your applications via:

If successful, we will provide approval of your permit via email within 14 days.